About the LMC

The mission of the Botelle Library Media Center program is to "enable students to become independent, information literate, life-long learners." To achieve this mission, the LMC embraces a hybrid/flexible scheduling philosophy.
This means that students in the Early Primary (PreK, K) and Primary (1,2) have scheduled library periods in which they learn how to use the library and how to make good book choices. Students in grades 3-6 continue to use the Library Media Center to exchange books, receive guidance in selecting appropriate materials and use library resources, but do not have assigned library periods. Technology instruction is integrated into classroom curriculum and students use iPads, and Chromebooks to access various digital tools and resources when researching. This philosophy promotes recreational reading, encourages mastery of technological resources and provides research experiences for 21st century learners.
Flexible scheduling means that the LMC is used according to need. It reinforces the collaborative work of teachers and the media specialist to teach information literacy skills and technology literacy skills which are embedded into curriculum content. Students develop digital citizenship while learning to consume and create content as students gain understanding of how technology impacts their lives, learning, and future. Additionally, our Makerspace provides our students with opportunities to embrace science, technology, engineering, art, and math concepts as they collaborate to design and create STEAM projects and complete activities.

Early Primary: Students check out one book at a time. Books are kept out for a week and are due back on the day students have their book exchange.
Primary: Students check out two books at a time. Books are kept out for a week and are due back on the day students have library class.
Intermediate and Upper Intermediate: Students can check out up to three books at a time. Books are due after 14 days and can be renewed as many times as needed, as long as nobody else has a hold on a particular book.
Please encourage your child to designate a spot in your house to keep his/her library books safe and clean. Library books are community property and with the rising costs of books we promote proper care and handling of books. Please help your children develop responsibility by reminding them of their "library day" and that it is their responsibility to return books on time. Students may not borrow additional books if they have not returned their books on time. No late fines are issued for overdue books, however, payment is appreciated for lost books.