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Safety Protocols for Band at Botelle Elementary School, as of 8/30/20:



Lesson Details:


· Students will continue to receive weekly instrumental lessons in “pullout” format


· Each lesson group will consist of 1-3 students, in adherence with recommendations to reduce group sizes and to allow for cohorting


· Lessons will be approximately 20-25 minutes in length, to allow time for sanitizing and to account for an increased number of lesson groups


· Lessons will be conducted in the Hall of Flags, in accordance with room size and ventilation recommendations


· Students will be spaced a minimum of 12 feet apart during lessons, per state guidelines for wind instruments


· As of this time, we will not meet as a full band ensemble. Ms. Krusch will continue to monitor recommendations throughout the year with the hope that we can resume full band rehearsals safely by spring.

PPE & Sanitization


· Students will wear their regular daily mask to and from lessons


· During lessons, students will use “instrument PPE” provided by Botelle (a specially designed mask and/or an instrument cover, depending on the instrument), per recommendations for instrumental music programs


· Students will not be allowed share or borrow instruments, books, or other supplies – please make sure your child is prepared for their lesson each week


· Students and teacher will wash hands and/or use sanitizer at the beginning and end of each   lesson, and anytime they come into contact with their saliva (ex. emptying spit valve)


· Student seating areas and music stands will be sanitized between every lesson


· In cases where Ms. Krusch has to touch a student instrument, such as for repairs, she will wear medical-grade gloves. After the repair, the student’s mouthpiece will be sanitized.


 *Please note that the body of the instrument cannot be sanitized. It can ruin the finish and damage the keys, pads, corks, etc.


Important to Note:


· As you know, this is an ongoing situation that has been continually changing since it began last winter. As we begin the year and see how things are working, and as recommendations from CDC and other organizations change, there will likely be changes to the information and procedures I shared above.


· Ms. Krusch will continue to communicate with you as things change, so you will always have the most up-to-date information as it pertains to instrumental music during the time of COVID19 and band classes at Botelle.

T 860-542-5286  F 860-542-5770     •     BOTELLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL     •     128 Greenwoods Road, Norfolk, CT  06058

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